Mogic considers

With the combination of a small number of people + software + servers and robots
We are promoting a new era of company management.
We hope to share part of this process with you in this corner.

Representative Director Yoichi Yamane

October 16, 2024

Good Design Award: 2024

The e-learning system LearnO received the Good Design Award thanks to the efforts of many different people.

I didn't think cloud services would be eligible, but a senior awardee told me it was okay.

All of the consultants, producers, directors, designers, and engineers who worked on the rebranding over the past three years.

Everyone in inside sales, testers, and back office for their valuable input in the service operation.

I would like to thank all the PR and marketing people who thought of good presentation, timing of announcements, and development methods.

To our clients who have found LearnO online and continue to use it.

To our partners who provided us with video servers and content production.

To our partners who have built their own brand and sold their products as a package.

To all regional partners who have updated their terms of use and processed their accounting.

In addition to that, I have had the support of so many others that I cannot even begin to count.

As there are not many opportunities and places to share this information, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

We could not have come this far without your help.

It is truly invaluable to build a service with a team.

We are proud to have taken one step at a time with those who miraculously joined hands with us.

We will continue to make every effort to provide trustworthy service.

Reference] Press Release
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October 08, 2024

Engaging with the Director

In a previous long interview, we talked about our relationship with engineers and designers, calling it communication with the creator.

Since the long interview itself has already ended and I haven't had a chance to talk to him, I would like to write next about how he perceives and treats directors.

The job of directing the web, the job title of director.

Web production companies, system development companies, SIers, BtoB and BtoC service providers, etc.

There are many different roles, but if we were to extract the roles that are common to all of them, we would say that they are the keystone of the project.

The image of a person who can be depended on by everyone, who judges all information, who balances well, and who is in between.

And, after all, it is also the position that receives the most unreasonable demands.

We are in the middle zone between the creators, such as engineers and designers, and the clients and producers who pay us, and we are exposed to the ever-changing situation of the project.

Therefore, I think it is important to have the intuition to get to the point, or to have a good sense of humor.

Even if you don't know the ins and outs at first, if you gather information diligently, you will manage to get around.

With that in mind, when I speak with directors, I look at the type of stress they are carrying rather than the content.

Is it a problem that you have been carrying around for a long time, or is it a response to a recent problem, or is it the result of being continually pressed by all kinds of deadlines?

If they are talking too fast, or are jumping around, or their faces are stiff, or their voices are different, then yes, I can understand that they are not that good.

And now that I've talked about all the bad things that seem to be happening, let me touch on the rewards of being a director.

What they find rewarding, perhaps, is that they can share their sense of accomplishment with the people involved in the project.

After all, it is a special time to share the present moment with many people, to eat from the same pot, and to accomplish something.

I am also fortunate to be able to collaborate with people who have a power that I do not have.

Therefore, I feel that people with the mentality that if those around them are happy, they are happy too, are suited for the job.

This is our vision of what a director should look like.

that (something mentioned before which is distant psychologically or in terms of time)

if you notice something

This development may be..,

I'm sure some of you may think so.

Yes, this was supposed to be an article, but before I knew it, it had become a new (arate) recruiting guide.

I mean, it's been a while since we've tried to recruit a full-time web director at Mogic, and this section was overflowing with them.

Ah, but since we're here.


Now, let's begin again.

The purpose of this recruitment is not to fill a vacancy, but to expand the work of the Market Direction department.

I have talked only about the director image, but we are also doing a good job of marketing work.

Whether you are new to the IT industry, a new graduate who has only been working for a few years, or just starting your job search, we are open to all.

Mogic's selection process is always a good fit with the current members.

We see little experience or skill.

If you are interested, please contact us.

These days, you can speak with them beforehand in a casual interview (not a job interview).

Now, as a side note, I would like to leave you with some thoughts on what the best director is, not just the basic director's role.

Who is the best director?

Of course, I don't want to be the only director who seems to get lucky for everyone on the project, because I don't want to be the only one who gets lucky.

In other words, a direction that allows people to make choices they did not think about after much thought and consideration, and that somehow keeps everyone focused and happy, even though it is too hard to do so due to adversity and cornering and cornering.

Reference] Interview with a full-time employee who joined the company with no experience
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Reference] Interview with the Chief of the Market Direction Division
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Market Direction Department
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Casual Interviews] Inquiry Form
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October 01, 2024

Few, very few

In the company, we are expected to do things properly and in accordance with our objectives.

Having said that, if I happen to find something good, even though it's not what I'm after, I'm happy to do so.

A steady path to the goal and an unexpected encounter.

I was hoping to find a good balance between the two without being biased toward one or the other, and I found the expression I was looking for in the biochemical mechanism.

Sleeping Evolution
Andreas Wagner (Author), Naoko Ota (Translator)
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Many proteins self-assemble - fold - into an intricate three-dimensional form.

The amino acid chain is constantly bumped into by countless other molecules flying in from the surroundings.

This collision is caused by the vibration of the molecules, which we call heat.

It is also the engine that propels protein folding.


What I didn't mention before is that protein chains don't stop moving even after they are folded.

Its shape is held together by the chemical attraction between nearby amino acids, but it continues to wiggle and quiver as it is continually tossed about by thermal vibrations.

These movements are essential to the work performed by most proteins and catalyze the chemical reactions that power all life on earth - including the thousands of enzymes that accelerate reactions.

And some of these enzymes protect the organism by tearing down and destroying antibiotics.


In the enzyme that cuts through the antibiotic, the folding of the enzyme leads to these movements, knocking certain amino acids to where the molecule needs to be torn apart.

The resulting collision tears the antibiotic.

It is similar to how scissors cut through paper, but the forces at work are chemical rather than mechanical, involving attraction and repulsion between atoms.


Like scissors with a slightly loose pivot, enzyme-induced movement can be sloppy.

It might bind the wrong amino acid to the molecule that jumped in.

Alternatively, the amino acids could be correct but bind in the wrong place.


For these reasons, many enzymes that accelerate one type of chemical reaction can also accelerate other reactions.

Biochemists also refer to this as a "loose" enzyme with substrate specificity.

Because it catalyzes reactions with a wide variety of molecular partners.

When we examine the metabolism of living organisms, we find that it is a very complex circuit, but in fact there are some surprisingly loose parts.

In terms of the body, it is the interlocking of multiple parts that maintains overall activity, not to mention the fact that certainty and reproducibility at the cellular level is the foundation.

But even at such a level, there is looseness.

A very small amount of looseness creates a new protein, which replaces the DNA strand.

If so, I will make the leap that it is so.

I wondered what would happen if we could have the slightest looseness in the organization of the company.

Ideally, we can hypothesize that "very little looseness catalyzes reactions with a wide variety of members.

The problem, however, is the saltiness.

It is difficult to find the right amount of looseness.

Slight, koekoekoekoekoekoekoekoekoekoekoekoekoekoekoek.

I tried to use the word "slight" in three different ways, but I still couldn't come up with a good idea, so I decided to order some sweets that are appropriate for the beginning of autumn today.

Incidentally, I recommend the evolutionary biology books mentioned above, which have many interesting theories.

September 26, 2024

Mogic Winter: 2024

It is early, and September is only counting the rest of the month.

Next week, it will already be October and Halloween season.

We have three months left this year, less than 100 days, and if it's business days, we only have 66 days.

It was going to be a zoni scene soon if we were not careful, so we started the last spurt of our annual year-end project.

This year, unlike usual, we stopped distributing original calendars and shifted our focus to making card games, and we also stopped another New Year's greeting game application and changed course to creating a service that could be useful to someone.

It was good until we decided to do so, but as expected, it didn't work out.

The project may not have kicked off in the first place, the prototype may not be as interesting as expected, or it may already be well over the budget amount and scale.

Since this is the first time for all of them, I still don't know where the goal is, I can't see the way forward, and I can't decide what role I should play.

Even so, as time passed mercilessly, my back began to sweat, my steps began to lag, and I fell into the illusion that I was wandering aimlessly through a dimly lit forest.

Stalled, silent, frowning, looking down, looking up to the heavens.

Suddenly you feel a chill in the air and foresee freezing feet at night.

The deeper they divide, the more trapped people become.

The two major Mogic winter projects in hell have only just begun.

We have no idea how it will end.

The conclusion will surely be published somewhere, so please stay tuned.

[To be added at a later date].
Finished New Year's calendar:
The end of the New Year's greeting application:

[Past Windfalls].
Calendar 2024:
Calendar 2023:
Calendar 2022:
Calendar 2021:

Nenga App 2024:
New Year's greeting app 2023:
New Year's greeting app 2022:
Nenga App 2021:

September 20, 2024

Ichiju Hyakkei, Renewed Bulletin

I picked up two in the four-character phrase series.

First, from Ichiju Hyakkari, originally from

"The plan of a year is not like the plan of a grain tree. The plan for a lifetime is not as if a man were a tree. A tree that produces one crop is a grain. One tree with ten crops is a tree. A tree that produces a hundred crops is a man.

The sentence, "It is important to nurture people in the long run, not just for immediate profit," can be translated as "It is important to nurture people in the long run, not just for immediate profit.

Then, I don't know the origin of the new era, but when I pulled up a dictionary, I found an example of the Japanese origin of Kotaro Takamura and beauty, with Prince Shotoku.

"The national policy was settled, the national fortunes grew, and a new era of culture was heralded."

The sentence "The old is over, and a whole new year is beginning.

My intuition is that the reason I picked up on these two, though abruptly, is that they are appropriate to show the current foothold.

In other words, I think we need to change our sense of how we perceive the times at this time in a big way.

As one example, if you look at Japan's demographics, we are talking about a record 840,000 fewer people in 2023.

The decline consisted of 758,631 births and 1,590,503 deaths.

The fact that in just one year the city has lost its ordinance-designated city level population.

If this were to accumulate every year, a simple calculation shows a decrease of 8.4 million people in 10 years.

What does a future with 8.4 million fewer people look like?

From the past perspective, it will be seen as "an era in which everything is unimpeded and something is always missing," and from the perspective of 10 years from now, I wonder if it will be "an era in which we create different value from what we have at hand.

If we are to promote this idea, it is important to go back to the beginning.

To use a company analogy, think about how you can grow together with the people who come for interviews rather than lamenting that you can't hire good people.

If you are pessimistic about the lack of manpower, think about systemizing, structuring, and discarding in order to take care of the people you have.

Above all, I would like to think carefully about how to create an organization that questions the conventional wisdom and creates new value.

September 10, 2024

A place that is hard to talk about.

In the past, I have felt that there is a certain vagueness in the way we talk about companies, business, and work.

I wondered what is the hardest part of the story to tell.

However, hints of this can be found in unexpected places.

Let me quote a passage from a medical book that rang a bell.

Bodies Living in More Than One World: Anthropology of the Han Clinic
Tae Woo Kim (Author), Hitomi Sakai (Translator)
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I go to work in my body, eat, watch movies, and go to cafes.

It also lives with a body that is separate from itself.

Bodies communicate emotions with each other through facial expressions and conversations.

One knows such a body.

He knows the sensations that the body conveys and he knows the pain.

The system formed by this bundling of knowledge about pain is medicine.


No medical treatment can fully explain every condition of the body.

This is not so much a question of the limits of a certain medical treatment, but rather of the existence of the body, which has many different backgrounds and aspects.


Thus, medicine is more than a system of knowledge and action for health.

Healthcare is essentially a system of "regulations.

Medicine defines what constitutes disease and what constitutes health, and at its core is a prescription for the body.

Medical care, which shows what the most basic assumption of the human body is, is also the very definition of what it means to be human.


An examination of the definite targets of Western medicine's attention reveals the consistent perspective that Western medicine has on the body.


The subject is an "independent entity.

Hence, a separation is possible between it and other things.


Rather than emphasizing a "fixed" or "independent subject," East Asian medicine is deeply concerned with "flow" and "situation."

There is a well-known saying in Korean medicine, "Tongli-ru non-pain 不痛則痛.

It means that if the street is good, there is no pain; if it is bad, there is pain.

If the flow is smooth, there is no disease.

It's a comfortable body, not painful.

However, if the flow is poor, health begins to waver and approaches disease.

It can be said that the diagnosis in Korean medicine is a consideration of a situation of poor flow.

Besides the familiar Western medicine, there are diverse views of medicine in the world, which are "prescribed" in their own way.

If so, it is not surprising that companies and businesses have a similar "number of regulations" with a wide variety of interpretations and actions.

Some regulations treat the people and clients who work with them as independent figures, while others look at the flow and stagnation as a whole.

Perhaps the difficulty of telling the story is the difficulty of trying to communicate across different regulations.

Of course, we are free to stand on any kind of rule, and we systematize our knowledge and actions as we like, as we feel comfortable with.

Then you realize that 20 or 30 years have passed, and that's good.

Finally, I'll borrow a bit from the previous quote and rewrite it.

"The social activity (work) accomplished by the body, the most basic assumption of the human being, is also the very definition of what it means to be human."

September 03, 2024

Its name is the "Aggressor's Club".

Market Direction, Basic Education, Innovation & Production.

There are many unfamiliar department names at Mogic.

This is not a play on names, it's just what happened when we tried to match the entity.

The director function alone was not enough to develop our own services, so we added a marketing element and created the Market Direction Division. The Basic Education Division was created because it is better to look beyond the organization for the basic skills, such as team communication and individual personalities.

This is an unprecedented experiment, so not everything will go well.

Some departments were rather controversial.

One of them is the "Aggressor Department," which is exactly what it sounds like: a name for a body.

It may seem like a story, but it really did exist.

The interns and planners will take the lead as the unit that will now actively and boldly lobby the company.

Just around that time (around 10 years ago), we were becoming more organized, so let's stop the divisions from becoming a taco-bowl! Let's break down the barriers between departments! We had to break down the barriers between divisions!

True to such a mission, he often visited other departments and stirred up the place.

They open the door in the middle of a meeting and say, "Let's ask for help! and suddenly blurts out a presentation that resembles a challenge.

The enigmatic mounting phrase begins, "Listen up, boys."

That's not surprising, but everyone is stunned and amazed.

I am still wondering if there is a different way to do it, but it is a good experience, because it sometimes appears as a funny story.

August 26, 2024

A world that doesn't tell you the rules.

Live by capitalism.

In Japan, it sounds as natural as breathing.

If so, if someone were to ask you, "Please tell me the rules of capitalism and how it works," I doubt you would be able to answer easily.

I am not so confident that I can sigh for a long time.

Playing soccer, let's use an analogy.

One ball, don't use your hands, carry the ball with your feet or head, one goal for the enemy, formation like this, and so on.

It is doubtful that I can explain it well.

Even if you have been playing soccer for 10 years, whether you can win competitive tournaments is another matter.

In other words, even games with straightforward rules are difficult to explain and work through successfully.

If this is the case, how will we fare in the world of capitalism, a world where no one tells us the rules?

Non-attendance, internal examinations, examinations, gakuchika, job hunting, job satisfaction, work history, meeting people, investments, workplace, commuting, family, insurance, place, title, job change, health, entrepreneurship, caregiving, pensions.

I receive various consultations every month and week, but I don't feel that the problem derives from that (difficulty in grasping the rules of capitalism) at the end of the day.

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