Mogic considers

With the combination of a small number of people + software + servers and robots
We are promoting a new era of company management.
We hope to share part of this process with you in this corner.

Representative Director Yoichi Yamane

December 21, 2020

Usually no one notices this blind spot.

Apparently, the human eye has a difficult structure and blind spots.

It is always constantly complemented by the two eyes and processed by the brain, so it is never aware of itself.

How did the human body get that way?
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The most famous example of a snoring natural design is the retina, which is possessed by all vertebrates from fish to mammals.

Photoreceptor cells in the vertebrate retina are backward-facing.

In other words, the wire part faces toward the light, and the photoreceptor, which is the light collector, faces inward with its back to the light.

omission (of middle part of a text)

Interestingly, the retina of cephalopods such as octopus and squid is not inverted.

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There is another snarky design in the human eye that is worth talking about.

It is a structure called the optic papilla, located right in the middle of the retina.

The optic papilla is located on the surface of the retina and makes a small circle without photoreceptor cells.

This creates a "blind spot" in each eye. Normally, no one notices this blind spot.

I feel like there is a blind spot, but there isn't one.

This message is a very important checkpoint for teamwork and new projects.

Humans are not perfect, and even the best of us have holes.

However, when it comes to moving forward with a project, members are inevitably fixed, someone's opinion becomes stronger, and it can feel as if it is always the right answer.

If people around you feel uncomfortable, I suggest that you try to shed some light on the situation, even if it's just for a moment.

December 14, 2020


It was right around this time last year, when I was walking around Paris for training, that I felt that I was being exposed to a lot of information about Japanese culture.

Walking from the hotel to the Montmartre hill, I saw posters of Hatsune Miku Europe version everywhere, and when I returned, a drink that looked like green tea was served for breakfast.

I was having a casual conversation with the hotel receptionist, who said, "Tickets are expensive, but I'd like to go to Japan someday. I know some people who know people in Japan.

So I read the blogs of Japanese people living in the area and found that Japanese culture, especially obento (bento) has become very popular over the past few years.

There have been cases where other children have eaten their own children's lunches.

It is true that in other countries, apples, bread, and cheese are often put in a bag or more.

It seems that there are many reasons behind the popularity of obento, but what I personally found most interesting was the fact that obento obento is a very Japanese idea.

In this case, Japaneseness is synonymous with "the ability to cram so many different meanings into a small space.

In both the tearoom and the garden, there are few objects, yet there are many layers of meaning.

It is interesting to decipher it.

Such things seem to be hard to find in the world, and I feel that they are ingrained in the sensibilities of the Japanese people.

Something big and fancy would be nice.

Something small and beautiful would be nice.

We sometimes hear from other managers about their admiration for giant corporations.

However, in a future where the world's birthrate is declining and the population is aging, and resources are becoming an issue, I sometimes wonder if that is what we are aiming for with our Japanese competitive advantage.

We need proof, not just argument.

December 07, 2020

Because it's more convenient to look things up.

Sometimes I try to be a student and look up what I want to know.

These days, it is convenient and you can get a general idea of what you are looking for, even if it is somewhat wrong, not only in books but also on the Internet.

Unlike books and magazines, the granularity of the information is not too tricky.

I happened to be looking up "animal species" a while back, and wiki says

Based on the findings of molecular genetics at the end of the 20th century, organisms are divided into three categories: eubacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes (three-domain theory). Animals belong to the eukaryotes, and other eukaryotes include plants, fungi (mushrooms and molds), and protists.

It should be noted that protists (e.g., elephant beetles, green beetles, amoebas, etc.), which are part of the protists, are a separate lineage from the animals (metazoans) referred to in this paper, and have been found to be polyphyletic.

Okay, next we will look at information about "true bacteria". Likewise.

Defined as prokaryotes with cell membranes composed of fatty acid esters of sn-glycerol 3-phosphate.

Together with the archaeal and eukaryotic domains, it divides the whole living world into three parts.

When compared to eukaryotes, the structure is very simple.

However, they exhibit far more diverse metabolic systems and nutrient requirements, and their habitats are spread across all environments considered biospheric.

The amount of organisms is enormous.

They are closely related to humans as intestinal bacteria, fermentative bacteria, or pathogenic bacteria.

Okay, so it's not just animals, but non-animal "viruses" as well.

A microscopic, infectious structure that uses the cells of other organisms to replicate itself, consisting of a protein shell and the nucleic acids contained within.

There is some debate as to whether it is an organism or not, since it does not have cells, the smallest unit of life, nor its biological membrane, the cell membrane, nor does it have organelles, nor does it self-propagate.

Double-stranded DNA viruses (dsDNA)
Single-stranded DNA viruses (ssDNA)
Double-stranded RNA virus (dsRNA)
Single-stranded + stranded RNA virus ((+)ssRNA)
Single-stranded -stranded RNA virus ((-)ssRNA)
Single-stranded RNA reverse-transcribing virus (ssRNA-RT)
Double-stranded DNA reverse-transcribing virus (dsDNA-RT)

There is no end to it as we continue, but it is also good to know that there is no end to it.

It makes me feel that what I do on a daily basis is just a small part of what I do.

From the other side of the coin, a little bit is a very precious thing, so I think we have to enjoy it no matter how we do it.

December 01, 2020

What causes externalities in the future

We started with a difficult word: externality.

According to Wiki in economic terms.

Externality refers to the influence of the decisions (actions and economic activities) of one economic agent on the decisions of other economic agents. In general, economics assumes that the decisions of one economic agent do not affect the decisions of other economic agents, but in reality, the influence of other economic agents may not be ignored. Therefore, the concept of externality was devised to deal with such cases."

will be.

It is a difficult thing to say about something so obvious, but simply put, "If someone does something, someone else may be affected in an unexpected way, right? Let's look at it all together.

Sometimes it is a matter of cutting too many trees in the mountains, causing sediment to flow out, gradually depleting nutrients, reducing plankton in the estuaries, and making it difficult to catch fish. If we proceed only with the interests of the lumberjacks, it will have an unintended impact on the fishermen.

In business, I think it is very important to look at the possibility of externalities that will happen someday rather than externalities that are happening now.

I am quoting from something that just suggested an externality that will be created in the future.

Extreme Economy
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Urbanization is a prime example of a future that we know for sure will happen.

In the 1950s, more than 70% of the world's population lived in rural areas.

The issues considered in economics were rural issues for most people.

Over the ensuing years, towns and cities have grown and shrunk as a result of the movement of people.

2007 was a notable year in which the world's urban population exceeded its rural population for the first time.

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By 2050, the pattern of a century ago will be reversed, with 70 percent of people living in urban areas.

The economy of agglomeration, once discussed by Alfred Marshall, will become even more powerful.

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The most important trends in the next decade are aging, technology, and inequality.

These three trends, common worldwide, are already causing great concern and are likely to intensify.

In both cases, we feel that new education will become increasingly important.

We do not yet know what the future holds, but we will sincerely learn from the new things that are being created.

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