With the combination of a small number of people + software + servers and robots
We are promoting a new era of company management.
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Aug. 19, 2019
At Mogic, there are many educational-like things going on in many situations.
The reason why the term "education-like" is used vaguely is that, like a class, there is no firm curriculum or outcome goals, and methods can change in response to coincidental events.
It has been the creation of an idea service called MicroTech, the creation of a lassi, the creation of a bouldering wall, and many other things.
We have been doing this type of education for a long time and know that it is effective in more ways than one word can describe, but the actual reason why this style of education is better was not clearly understood, even among those who practice it.
I recently read a book and thought this might be the case, so I will quote from it.
Anthropology of Shyness
h ttps:// mishimasha.com/books/ushirometasa.html
Students will eventually forget about the content of their college classes.
I myself can hardly remember the content of the lectures I attended in college.
Not everything is known in advance, either to education or to the students, what it will do for them or when the tangible results will be seen.
Perhaps the only thing that remains in the student is "heat. The faculty cannot decide in advance what kind of energy will be transformed into the next "heat" within the students.
To begin with, students have the potential to be anything they want to be.
The words spoken in class, the "learning" evoked there, are not "products" that satisfy the needs of others.
It is a "gift" that is handed over without knowing how it will be received or what it will lead to.
omission (of middle part of a text)
Because it is a gift, the "effort" to do so cannot be converted into time or money, nor is it a subject that should be calculated at a loss.
If education is regarded as "labor" that is exchanged in the marketplace, the "correct" answer is always to spend a minimum amount of effort, since the "results" cannot be properly measured.
Education, then, becomes a futile task.
In fact, you may have received very little, or you may have received something you did not intend to give.
On the part of the teachers, there is always a sense of "unreachability.
Education, I believe, is the act of continuing to give gifts toward this unreachability.
Perhaps it is because the management policy emphasizes teamwork that they do not view education as a cost-effective way to improve skills, but as a gift.