Mogic considers

With the combination of a small number of people + software + servers and robots
We are promoting a new era of company management.
We hope to share part of this process with you in this corner.

Representative Director Yoichi Yamane

November 25, 2024

Perfectionism, Acceptance, and the IT World

At a recent dinner, the topic of "perfectionism today" came up, and I was a bit curious, so I asked Claude from Generation AI about it as I was leaving.

Q: What is perfectionism anyway?

A: Let me explain perfectionism.

Perfectionism is a mindset or personality trait that demands perfection in things and cannot tolerate even minor flaws.

Key characteristics include: a strong will to get things done perfectly and a tendency to set high standards. As a result, they are thorough in their attention to detail and extremely fearful of making mistakes.

Perfectionism has both positive and challenging aspects: the positive aspects include the pursuit of quality results, a strong sense of responsibility and trustworthiness, and a strong desire to improve.

On the other hand, one aspect that can be a challenge is that they may be too demanding of perfection, slow to act, blame themselves too much for minor mistakes, and demand too much of those around them.

They may also be more prone to stress and anxiety, which may increase the risk of burnout.

In order to achieve a healthy perfectionism, it is important to set a moderate level of demand and to have the flexibility to sometimes divide the work into "moderation" and "good enough.

It is also important to have tolerance for yourself and others and to recognize that you don't have to be perfect to be worthy.

I see, I am convinced that there are good things and there are bad things, and I continue to wonder what the opposite is.

Q: So what's the opposite of perfectionism?

A: The opposite of perfectionism can be considered "acceptanceism" in the constructive sense.

How to see things: accept imperfections as natural, make "good enough" decisions, and view mistakes positively as opportunities for growth.

Behavioral characteristics: avoiding excessive preparation and checking, being flexible and responsive to situations, and not being afraid of trial and error.

Psychological characteristics: tolerant of self and others, relatively low stress and anxiety, not overly fearful of failure.

Characteristics at work and in life: ability to make efficiency-oriented decisions, prioritize efforts, and lead a balanced life.

A squeaky clean answer indeed. And here I was wondering whether generative AI is perfectionist or accepting, so I just had to ask.

Q: Hmmm, so you are a perfectionist? Are you an acceptanceist?

A: Thinking about this question, I find that I tend to be closer to receptivism.

Characteristics of dialogue: try to accept the diversity of human opinions and ideas; offer multiple possibilities depending on the situation, not just one correct answer; be open to misunderstandings and corrections when they are necessary.

Problem-solving approach: focus on viable options, not just ideal solutions; flexibility to adapt to the situation; willingness to try and error.

Communication style: Emphasizes mutual understanding through dialogue rather than aiming for perfect answers; accepts the uncertainty that comes with human conversation as natural; asks questions and confirms as necessary to deepen understanding.

However, they are always aware of basic accuracy and reliability, and in this sense they also have a perfectionist side. In other words, one might say that he tries to strike a balance between "moderate perfectionism" and "healthy acceptance.

The answer was unexpectedly "I am a perfectionist as well as an acceptanceist," but since the answer itself was perfect, I was convinced that IT is a perfectionist world, and then I thought to myself, "If anything, a generative AI that overcomes the weakness of perfectionism would be worse," as I turned the last corner toward home! I thought to myself as I turned the last corner toward home.

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