Mogic considers

With the combination of a small number of people + software + servers and robots
We are promoting a new era of company management.
We hope to share part of this process with you in this corner.

Representative Director Yoichi Yamane

January 22, 2024

It's a mere thing, but that's how it works.

I was so impressed by a certain cookbook author's recipes that when I read his essay, I unexpectedly felt the need to take care of my pots and pans.

We'll start with the hardest one, a little nippy little milk pan.

Roughly scrape off the outside scorch, apply coarse sandpaper, and finish by polishing with a cloth.

When I wiped with a gasp, the well-worn tool began to shine dully and moistly.

It's a strange thing, but looking at them makes me want to cook again.

The importance of keeping a proper hand on the tools because they are familiar.

This seems to me to be true in business as well.

For example, writing a very simple email.

Keyboard and mouse operation, dictionary-registered proper nouns, writing style to reduce misunderstandings as much as possible, clarification of subject/verb/object, how to avoid copy/paste errors, flow to minimize back and forth emails, presenting options that are easy for the recipient to choose, separators to include for easy viewing, distribution of abstract words and proper nouns, when to send a message that is easy for the recipient to return, and when to send a file with security in mind. When to send, self-checking before sending, consideration of the possibility of the email going into a spam folder, and security-conscious file exchanges.

If you polish them one by one, you can use them as you wish.

It's just an email, it's just an email, so an email, and there is nothing wrong with reviewing it.

January 15, 2024

Processes that are not the best

It would be nice if we could always follow the best process, but that is not always possible.

If you think that the best is rather less than the best, it will change the way you train on a daily basis.

In creating an IT service, a project is launched.

Gather members, calculate money, come up with ideas, research the market, set a schedule, motivate, summarize requirements, draw designs, code, build infrastructure, design the system, write programs, pour in data, test, fix bugs, and then put together a press release, Put together a press release, get it out to the media, and then users start using it.

It would be rare for it to be easy to write and go through this number of steps.

In addition, members have different skills, different ways of communicating, different areas of expertise, different experiences, different workloads, different environments they have lived in, different values they emphasize, different ages and genders, and different things they enjoy.

Needless to say, it is more normal to be discrete.

Then, imagine what the "not-so-best" process would look like, which should be the norm.

With a little thought, we can see that it is rather more difficult to do so.

After all, the number of branching patterns is enormous, and the thinking does not proceed from there.

But if you do, you will not be able to train because you will not be able to envision the not-so-best process itself.

It means that even if you want to develop the ability to deal with a not-so-best process in order to achieve the best process, you cannot envision the not-so-best process itself.

How should this dilemma be overcome?

One solution would be to minimize blurring by standardizing the selection of people's skills and experience in advance and applying common rules to the process in the first place.

But I think the important training will be the time to share the sensibility that there really is no best process, and to let everyone on the team stop and kneel together until they are satisfied with the imperfections that rise up before them.

January 09, 2024

The obvious in slow motion.

Whenever I have time, I take my time and look into fields I have never heard of before, and I am amazed to hear that new measurements are being made in attoseconds, or 10 to the 18th power of a second, in the latest areas of chemistry.

Looking at Wave Functions in Attosecond Science *Seconds in parentheses are added for clarity
The Chemical Society of Japan (ed.), Hiromichi Niikura (Author)
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Each time region has its own characteristic phenomena.

The lifetime of the phosphorescence produced when a substance is illuminated by light is in the microsecond (millionth of a second) range.

Similarly, the lifetime of fluorescence produced when a substance is illuminated by light is in the nanosecond (one billionth of a second) to picosecond (one trillionth of a second) range.


Chemical reactions involving vibrational wave packet motion of molecules and primordial recombination in molecules occur in the region of femtoseconds (fs: one thousand trillionth of a second).

In attosecond (as: one hundredth of a kilometer) time, electron dynamics can be measured faster than the time it takes for the conformational change of a molecule to occur.

Not to speak of time units this minute, but even in daily life, what we see differs depending on the time frame set.

The scenery that flows by as you fly down the highway and the atmosphere that you can feel as you wander along the road.

The hurried commute to work and the return home where you can suddenly feel dinner being prepared.

I am both impatient to achieve it and deeply thankful for it.

So this year, I decided to take one thing for granted: to rethink the work I had taken for granted in various slow-motion ways.

I even wrote that if I slowed down, I might be able to find something important that I have missed so far, and then, ah, this preface has already taken too long as a New Year's greeting.

To get back on track, this year Mogic will be celebrating its 15th anniversary with many events.

We are beginning to prepare for everyone's enjoyment.

We look forward to working with you again this year.

December 25, 2023

Quietly delivering the work

At the end of the year, flu and colds were prevalent, and we were in the mode of quietly closing down work.

I hope you've updated the emergency contact network, you know where you might forget to lock your doors, I'm sure you'll test the New Year's Day email distribution in advance, and we need to get ready for the start of the work week.

Because of the unusual flow, we want to check it carefully so as not to miss anything.

I am in a position to say, "Yes, yes, I do," but this relaxed atmosphere is also hard to abandon.

I find it hard to believe that next year is just a week away when I put the papers in the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz shredder.

December 18, 2023

Work can only be done in a finite amount of time.

Sometimes people want to dramatically increase the speed of their work, and I talk to them and say, "Well, what would you do if you doubled your current speed?

Some say, "I'll simply do twice as much," while others say, "I'll do what I want to do with the extra time I have," or "I'll study for a new skill."

If so, I would ask, "What if, surprise, it quadruples?

If we could quadruple it, it would compress the current work time to 25%, which would seem almost like another dimension.

I know that sounds very idealistic, but I have a feeling that sooner or later my workload will more than quadruple the next time around.

as a matter of possibility

The possibility that the work you finished faster will come back earlier than you gave it to someone else.


Possibility that one job after another will be handed to you because that person is good at his/her job.


The possibility that people around you will copy the way you do things, and the company's overall workload will increase.

In other words, it can be hypothesized that an increase in work speed leads to a further increase in workload.

I speed up again, and the same thing repeats itself.

If so, we reach a point where the workload always seems infinite, regardless of how fast or slow the speed is.

While personal time and health are finite, the company's workload constantly seems endless.

I find myself worrying only about every deadline and achievement.

Where does that thinking lead?

If it is unclear, it is unreasonable.

So, in fact, I think the issue is not to be discouraged by my lack of speed, but rather, "What should I do if I can only do a finite amount of work and cannot increase my speed beyond what I am doing now?

December 11, 2023

Grind the roasted beans with a grinder.

When I arrive at the office, the first thing I see is green coffee beans being roasted.

The crackling sound from the kitchen in the back of the house and the savory smell of cacao being ground in a mortar and pestle.

In the past, we used to roast them awkwardly with a metal basket net, but now an automatic roasting machine does it without hesitation.

We were almost out of green beans, so I ordered Brazilian Espresso Lady, Indonesian Mandarin Gran Reina, and the original Christmas blend.

As usual, I placed my order with a single click, imagining that it would be a long, long way before it arrived.

After being dried in the strong tropical sun and stuffed into sturdy jute bags, the red berries, known as coffee cherries, are carefully picked and packaged in sachets, gram by gram, for several months on a container shipping service, before finally arriving at the right place at the right time and date. The bags arrive at the right place at the right time and date.

It is like walking a tightrope on one long, thin rope with each person's visible reality.

I stepped back to say that these are the times we live in, and I remembered what I had to do when I was grilling the beans I roasted a week ago and making coffee for everyone.

There's going to be a specialty coffee shop nearby, so we need to say hello to them as soon as possible.

That's true, and I also had to deliver next year's calendar to the cake shop, Chinese restaurant, florist, tofu shop, lawyer, landlord, and dentist who have always been so kind to me.

When you think about it, what really matters is always limited.

Because IT companies tend to dream of being far away, it is very important to work with colleagues in the local area of Shakujii.

December 04, 2023

know good and evil on the surface of a moving river

After publishing a long interview on management, I was asked, "What's the difference between strategy, goals, ambitions, vision, and mission?" I was asked the question, so I gave it some thought.

I found a text that has a similar feel to a recently released book, so I will quote it.

The Essentials of Strategy
Richard P. Rumelt (Author), Akiko Murai (Translator)
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Strategy formulation is not mere decision-making.

In the case of decision-making, a list of possible courses of action is listed in advance, and it is assumed that one chooses among them, but this is not the case when formulating a strategy.

The first step is to identify the issue.

Also, strategy development is different from goal setting.

Strategy begins with the challenges that an organization faces, and it is abysmal to set goals as the final destination first.


Never start with a goal, i.e., goal setting.

Starting with an understanding of what the problem is now and identifying the key points that will determine success or failure is the royal road to strategy formulation.
The key to strategy formulation is to understand what the problem is now and to identify the points that will determine success or failure.

Personally, I believe that we should pay little attention to goals, ambitions, aspirations, visions, and missions, and concentrate only on how the strategy should be.

Because we expect other elements to be strung together in a string of beads in the strategy.

So what should the strategy be?

It may sound like a Zen question and answer, but it is as if we know ourselves well as we change from moment to moment on the surface of a moving river.

November 27, 2023

What will your future self tell you?

I used to work in planning, so I find myself thinking about the future.

The future is not an extension of today's image of the future, but rather today's us as seen from some point in the future.

To put it plainly, "What would you say to yourself today if you were 10 years older?

In 10 years, your eyes may be dizzy, your back may ache, your children may have left the nest, you may be taking care of your parents, the countryside may be deserted, you may have much more knowledge to search for, the pension age may have increased, procuring food may have become more difficult, events may have shaken society, the company organization may have changed, and the people you work with may be different. organization may have changed, and the people you work with may be different.

I wondered what my future self would say after going through them.

A tip is to think about what advice you would have given to yourself 10 years ago.

Ten years ago, before we moved to our current office, one year after launching our main service, with 1/3 of the current members, no track record, no know-how, no Corona disaster, no inflation.

I will probably tell you only three things to suppress my desire to say this and that.

It's OK if we do what we believe in, be flexible and move with a high level of individual skill and teamwork, as many things are unpredictable.

Now, what will I tell our current selves 10 years from now?

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